Who Are We?
OpenXDAS is a Novell sponsored open source project hosted by SourceForge.net. The project administrator is currently John Calcote, a full-time software engineer and architect for Novell. He's been with Novell for over 15 years, working on Novell's web and directory services most of that time. He's worked on the Bandit Project since its inception in January of 2006.
Contact Us
Questions on the use of OpenXDAS libraries and services should be directed to one of the three available OpenXDAS community mailing lists. To join a list, just click the desired link on the right and fill in the subscription form. Or send an empty message with the word, "subscribe" in the subject line to list-request@lists.sf.net, where list is the name of the mailing list (eg., openxdas-dev). A confirmation email with detailed instructions will be returned to you shortly. Please be aware that the openxdas-announce list is moderated and generates very low traffic. Joining this list will keep you up to date on new releases and announcements regarding OpenXDAS.
Administrative questions and comments may be sent directly to the project administrator or any other member of the Bandit Project. Choose one of the other links on the right.
Join Us!
Other Bandit Project developers may be assigned by Novell to work on OpenXDAS as needed. In addition, OpenXDAS and the Bandit Project invite external developers to join the OpenXDAS project, and contribute development effort, documentation, or web-site content, as desired. Or simply take part in the OpenXDAS mailing lists and contribute ideas and comments for the benefit of the community.